Tony Craddock

Tony Craddock
Director General PA (London)
An enthusiastic business leader of the world’s most influential trade association in payments, a lively public speaker and avid networker, Tony is passionate about payments and the difference it can make to lives everywhere.
Tony champions payments technologies globally. He shares his deep payments knowledge, borne from 15 years in payments and evangelical zeal for innovation, when speaking and chairing conferences, publishing books and white papers, or enrolling payments leaders to join the EPA’s collaboration network.
A serial entrepreneur; Tony invests in many early stage payments and PayTech companies – enabling them to succeed in a highly competitive payments ecosystem.
Tony conceived and launched the Payments Association (EPA) in 2012, where he is Director General. The PA promotes the UK as global hub for payments innovation and the interests of the EPA’s 150+ members, which include banks, card schemes, PSPs, issuers, processors, acquirers, who all come together to drive collective industry change.
Tony also leads the communities of EPA Asia, PA EU, EPA US and EPA Africa. His vision is that this global network of interconnected capabilities, people and knowledge will prove to be truly transformational in how the world works, for the benefit of everyone.
In 2019, Tony set up the Inclusion Foundation, a not-for-profit platform company promoting products that help address financial exclusion.